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How’s Tonto in Shibaura. Nov 24

Well, basically he is loving it!  He wasn’t sure about the place when he first arrived, it was obviously all very new to him!

He arrived from the Dog Inc team and then got introduced to his new home.  Actually to be honest he has settled in faster than me!

All his things are here so the smells are the same for him even if the layout is different and he has had 4 days with me in the place now.

He is particularly taken with the carpet in the bedroom and dining room as its like a huge big Tonto bed just there!

The extra space is also fun for him as he can chase his toys so much further now!  The walks are all new for him as well.

One small odd thing is that when I take him out I either have to carry him to the pet entrance or put him in a little cart (which i don’t have).  Its a completely nuts thing designed by people who don’t own pets.  I guess they are worried about people who don’t have pets being attacked by an overly vicious affection machine!

On that however Tonto is an amazingly friendly little chap and really well behaved, other dogs however a bark machines and I can see why people don’t like them.

He has however gotten very quickly used to the idea of being held in the lifts and just waits until we get outside.  A silly little thing is that outside the pet entrance they haven’t put and area for dogs to pee!  I’m teaching him to hold on a 20 second until he is over a waste grate an pee on that!  The old building was brillant, it had a big stone garden just outside the door with no plants so he could pee away!

He also love the fact the place has two doors to the bedroom and is constantly running around to fine me!

Some other good news for him is that new fixed measure feeding regime is working and his is losing weight at a good measure.  Also good for me having to carry him, so good for both of us.

There is also a gym right outside the door here, so as soon as I join no excuse not to go!

d and t

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