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10 year vs 10 Minutes. Oct 09

Now for something more real and to me far more important.  Tonight I phoned and old friend from the UK and had a chat.

We knew Nady when i worked in the midlands and we got on really well.  Then I left and did the whole big travel travel thing.  Came back and Nady and Tim were there as good friends still.  Went to live in Ireland, and did trips back to there place for there whole slow dinner thing we had started before i left.


Then i moved to London and we still did things together, but well time passsed.  The last time i went back to see them the first child was on the way (brillant) and then work just seemed to get in the way of things.  But you know what it didn’t really.

We kept in touch and tonight we had a long catch up chat, 10 years after we met and it was the most natural and easy conversation of old friends.  We still need a few more good long phone calls to get all the stuff done, but this is what I love about my old friends.  We can do this!

Travelling the world as I have done you meet some amazing people who travel.  You also meet some amazing people who are there.   Tonight was a really wonderful reminder of who i really care about and love.  10 years to 10 minutes, thats a friend!


An update to this is that a really old friend from school has been in touch with me!

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